By-Laws — Los Verdes Seniors Golf Club
Los Verdes Seniors Golf Club


Los Verdes Seniors Golf Club

ART. I - Purpose

The By-Laws shall be the tool for the Board of Directors to control and manage the affairs, funds, and property of the “LVSGC”.

ART. II - Membership

Sect. 1 - Prospects for membership shall receive a “Membership Application Form” approved by the Board of Directors and the Dept. of Parks and Recreation of the County of Los Angeles and an “Overview for Members” Los Verdes Seniors Golf Club.

Sect. 2 - “Membership Application Form” shall be filed with the Membership Director.  

Sect. 3 - The Membership Director of the club, upon receipt of a properly completed “Membership Application Form”, shall record and date all applications in numerical order as received.

Sect. 4 – The Membership Director shall verify the qualifications of the applicant, collect the dues, and advise them of their acceptance as a member of the “LVSGC”.

Sect. 5 - Prospects wishing to apply when the club membership is full, shall have their names and contact information recorded by the Membership Director who shall maintain a waiting list in order received and will accept Application from that list as openings occur.

Sect. 6 – A member in good standing is one whose membership has not been revoked for any reason.

ART. III - Officers

Sect. 1 - The Board of Directors shall control and manage the affairs, funds, and property of the Club at meetings as necessary.  The Board of Directors shall approve written form for Membership Applications. The Board of Directors shall fill vacancies on the Board other than by annual nominations.  The Board of Directors shall determine date, time, and place of meetings of the club membership.  The Board of Directors shall determine and approve Constitution changes and amendments and present same to the members of the Club.  The Board of Directors shall determine and approve By-Law changes and amendments. The Board of Directors shall be elected by the members of the club and serve two calendar years-Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.  Tournament Directors shall serve two years.  The Board of Directors will consist of the following Officers - Sect. 2 through 7.

Sect. 2 - The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and Board of Directors.  The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of 5 regular members of the club for new officers in the fall of the second year.  The President shall determine the frequency of Board Meetings to carry on the business and affairs of the Club. The President shall present the Constitution changes as approved by the Board of Directors to Parks and Recreation Department of the County of Los Angeles for review as needed.  The President shall serve on the Disciplinary/Grievance Committee.  The President shall serve as a member of the Board of Directors for a term of two calendar years -Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.

Sect. 3 - The Vice President/Treasurer shall be the President’s assistant and shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice President/Treasurer shall collect and record annual dues and appropriate fines of all active members of the club.  The Vice President/Treasurer shall keep an itemized account of all financial transactions of the club. The Vice President/Treasurer shall deposit all funds in some depository and pay all bills authorized by the club. The Vice President/Treasure shall render reports of receipts and disbursements upon request at meetings.  The Vice President/Treasurer shall serve as the Chairperson of the Tournament Committee.   The Vice President/Treasurer shall qualify active members based on payment of dues and fines.  The Vice President/Treasurer shall serve as Member of the Board of Directors for a term of two calendar years -Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.

Sect. 4 - The Secretary/Communications Director shall keep a record of all club meetings and conduct all correspondence of the club.  The Secretary/Communications Director shall provide notice of meetings to the Board members and Club Members.  The Secretary/Communications Director shall maintain the LVSGC website with relevant updates and notices.  The Secretary/Communications Director shall serve on the Disciplinary/Grievance Committee.  The Secretary/Communications shall serve as Member of the Board of Directors for a term of two calendar years -Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.

Sect. 5 - The Membership Director shall provide “Overview for Members” and “Membership Application Form” for prospective members.  The Membership Director shall receive Applications for membership upon a written form approved by the Board of Directors and the Dept. of Parks and Recreation of the County of Los Angeles. The Membership Director shall record and date all applications in numerical order as received.  In the event of reaching full membership, the Membership Director shall maintain a waiting list in order received and will accept Application from that list as openings occur. The Membership Director shall qualify the applicant according to a proper approval process approved by the Board of Directors.  The Membership Director shall maintain a current membership directory with name, phone number, email address, and GHIN number of the members.  The Membership Director shall serve on the Disciplinary/Grievance Committee.  The Membership Director shall serve as Member of the Board of Directors for a term of two calendar years -Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.

Sect. 6 - The Tournament Directors shall consist of two club members.  The Tournament Directors shall preside over all tournaments as established by the Tournament Directors Duties Timeline.   Tournament Directors shall serve on the Tournament Committee.  The Tournament Directors will enforce rules approved by the Board of Directors.  The Tournament Directors shall apply appropriate rules based on playing conditions on tournament days (This includes Inclement Weather Policy and lift, clean and place allowance).  The Tournament Directors shall maintain a “LVSGC” book with relevant club information.  The Tournament Directors shall serve as Members of the Board of Directors for a term of two calendar years -Jan.1 to Dec. 31.

Sect. 7 - The Advisory Committee shall provide in-put for the By-Laws and Amendments.  The Advisory Director will vote for the Advisory Committee.  The Advisory Director shall be decided by the Advisory Committee.  Two Advisory Committee members shall serve on the Tournament Committee.  The Advisory Director shall serve as Member of the Board of Directors for a term of two calendar years -Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.

ART. IV - Committees

Sect. 1 - The Nominating Committee shall submit to the membership of the club names of candidates for election to the Board of Directors.  The Nominating Committee shall consist of 5 regular club members appointed and chaired by the President.

Sect. 2 - The Tournament/Rules Committee shall determine the Tournament Format for regular play.   The Tournament Committee shall determine the Tournament Directors Duties Timeline.  The Tournament Committee shall present Rules of Play and Guidelines for the tournaments to the Board of Directors for approval. The Tournament Committee shall consist of the Vice President/Treasurer, Tournament Directors, and at least two of the Advisory Committee. Three (3) attendees for a meeting will constitute a quorum.

Sect. 3 - The Grievance Committee shall rule on all member grievances.  The Grievance Committee shall consist of the President, Secretary/Communications Director, and the Membership Director. The Grievance Committee shall determine appropriate action.


ART. V - Finances

Sect. 1 - The annual dues shall be $20.00 per member as presented by the Board of Directors and approved by the club membership and shall be for a period from January 1 to December 31.

Sect. 2 - It shall be the member's responsibility to see that their dues are paid prior to January 1, or prior to playing in a tournament in the new year, and if such is not the case, the member shall be deemed delinquent and no longer a member of the club.  Attempted presentation of dues after the deadline shall be deemed a renewal of membership pursuant to Art. II - Membership Sect. 5.

Sect. 3 - Dues shall be used to pay for the functions of the Club regarding costs for materials and supplies, supplemental tournament prizes, recognition of memorial members, maintenance of LosVerdesSeniors.Com website and gmail account, and gratuities.


ART. VI – Tournaments and Rules of Play

Sect. 1 - Rules of Play and Tournament format are established by the Tournament Committee and are as follows:

Sect. 2 - Rules of Play will be according to the USGA Rules of Golf and the local rules as determined by the Los Verdes Golf Course, the Los Verdes Men’s Club, and LVSGC Tournament Directors.

Sect. 3 - Tournament Directors will apply playing rules according to course conditions on tournament days.

Sect. 4 - Play shall be from the Middle (White) Tees or from the Forward (Red) Tees. 

Sect. 5- Handicaps for tournament play will be based on SCGA/USGA current indexes adjusted to the Los Verdes Golf Course slope for men and women.  Handicaps for women will be an addition of 1 strokes based on the difference of the Men’s Course Rating for the Middle (White) Tees and the Women’s Course Rating for the Forward (Red) Tees.  There will be no maximum handicap for tournament play.

Sect. 6 - Tournament play format shall be according to the tournament formats listed on the “Overview for Members”.  For the first and third Thursdays of each month it will be Individual Stroke play with prizes for low net in three flights.  The flights will be determined based on the most even distribution of the handicaps.  

Sect. 7 - Tournament play format for the fifth Thursday (when they occur) will be at the discretion of the Tournament Directors. 

Sect. 8 - Players will have the option of playing Skins on the first Thursday of each month. Flights A, B, and C will be split in accordance with flights in the Low Net Tournament.  Skins payout will be based on funding collected in each flight. 

Sect. 9 - Tee times for the tournaments will be determined by the Tournament Directors in coordination with the Los Verdes Golf Course management.  The general first tee time for tournaments will be 9:10 am.  This can change based on number of teams playing the tournament and the length of daylight for that day.   Requests for early or late tee times will be honored on a as-can-do basis.  Requests for partners will only be accepted for the third Thursday of each month in order to maintain a spirit of comradery.

Sect. 10 - Late cancellation of play will be according to the guidelines in the “Overview for Members”.  With regards to Inclement Weather see the attached “Inclement Weather Policy” which will be applicable at the discretion of the Tournament Directors.

Sect. 11 - Official score cards and backups will be kept by each team for all tournaments and they will be signed and attested. The Official score card will be submitted to the Tournament Directors at the end of each tournament. Skins cards will include gross and net scores for each hole and will also be attested and presented to the Skins scorers.


ART. VII – Disciplinary/Grievance

Sect. 1 - Fines and sanctions will be issued by The Grievance Committee based on Tournament Directors’ reports of violation of the Art. VI – Rules of Play and Guidelines as established by The Tournament Committee.

Sect. 2 - Such Guidelines shall include but not be limited to false/non reporting or posting of scores, failure to cancel tee times prior to noon on the Monday before the tournament Thursday, pace of play, and moral conduct of players.  


ART. VIII - Amendments

Sect. 1 - These By-Laws may be changed or amended by a majority of a quorum of Board members present at a regular Board of Directors meeting.

ART. IX- Procedure

Sect. 1 - Robert's Rules of Order shall govern all procedure at all meetings, except as otherwise herein provided.