Los Verdes Seniors Golf Club


Los Verdes Seniors Golf Club

ART. 1 - Name

The name of this organization shall be: Los Verdes Seniors Golf Club (LVSGC).

ART. II - Purposes

To create an atmosphere wherein members can share their enthusiasm for the game of golf through competition, camaraderie, and fellowship. To conduct golf tournaments and related events. To cooperate with the County of Los Angeles in the maintenance and upkeep of a first class golf club.

Note: This club is not organized and shall not be operated for gain or profit. No part of the property or net earnings shall be to the benefit of any individual. The club shall never be authorized to engage in a regular business of a kind ordinarily carried on for profit. The club shall never engage in propaganda or participate in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

ART. III - Membership

Sect. 1 - Any person of good moral character of the age of 50 with an active SCGA GHIN, (or a recognized USGA handicap) regardless of race, creed , color or sex shall be eligible for membership.

Sect. 2 - Applications for membership shall be filed with the Membership Director of the club upon a written form approved by the Board of Directors and the Dept. of Parks and Recreation of the County of Los Angeles. Upon qualification by the Membership Director and the payment of any assessments and dues, the applicant shall become a member of the club.

Sect. 3 - The Membership Director of the club, upon receipt of a properly completed application form, shall record all applications in numerical order as received and date same.

Sect. 4 - Total regular membership of the Los Verdes Seniors Golf Club shall be limited to 250 members.

Note: In the event the 250 limit is reached, a waiting list shall be established. Application for membership shall thereafter be accepted as openings occur from those on the waiting list in order received.

Sect. 5 - Only members in good standing, may participate in club activities. A member in good standing is defined asone whose membership has not been revoked for any reason, has an active handicap, and whose dues and assessments have been paid.

ART. IV - Government and Management

Sect. 1 - The control and management of the affairs, funds and property of the club shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which board shall be composed of not less than 7 members at all times.

Sect. 2 - The term of office for the Tournament Director shall be two years.  The term for all other members of the Board of Directors shall be for one year and shall correspond with the calendar year of the club, namely January 1 through December 31.

Sect. 3 - The board shall include among the 7 members a President, Vice President/Treasurer, Secretary/Communications Director,  Membership Director, and such other designated offices or categories as the board shall deem necessary.

Sect. 4 - Vacancies on the Board, other than by annual nomination as hereinafter set forth, shall be filled by the Board and such appointment shall continue for the duration of the term of the Director replaced.

Sect. 5 - The Board of Directors shall be nominated by the members of the club as follows:

a. The President shall, not later than September 1, appoint a Nominating Committee of five regular members of the club.

b. The Nomination Committee shall submit to the membership of the club at its next regular meeting the names of candidates for election into the Board of Directors for the next succeeding fiscal year of the club.

c. The slate of board members shall include recommendations for all available positions on the board.

d. At this meeting of the membership, nominations for the various offices may be made from the floor by members in attendance provided however that the nomination so made is seconded and that verbal or written acceptance of the nominee is tendered at the same time.

e. In the absence of any nominations for the respective offices from the floor, nominations for the office shall be deemed closed and the nominated officer shall be elected upon appropriate motion from the floor.  

f. In the event of a contest between candidates for a particular office or offices, a closed ballet shall be held by the members present at this meeting and the candidate receiving the largest vote for each office shall be declared elected.

ART. V - Officers

Sect. 1 - It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the club and Board of Directors.

Sect. 2 - The Vice President/Treasurer shall be the Presidents assistant and shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice President/Treasurer shall also be Chairman of the Tournament Committee. The Vice President/Treasurer shallalso keep an itemized account of all financial transactions of the club. The VP/Treasurer shall deposit all funds in some depository and pay all bills authorized by the club. The VP/Treasurer shall render reports of receipts and disbursements upon request at meetings.

Sect. 3 - The Secretary/Communication Director shall keep a record of all club meeting minutes and conduct correspondence of the club.

Sect. 4 - The Membership Director will receive applications for membership upon a written form approved by the Board of Directors and the Department of Parks and Recreation of the County of Los Angeles. The Membership Director will qualify the applicant according to a proper approval process approved by the Board of Directors.

Sect. 5 - The Advisory Director and the Advisory Committee will serve to advise the President and the Board  on all matters where they have expertise and where their history with the club provides valuable insight.

ART. VI - Meetings

Sect. 1 - Meetings of the club shall be held at such place, date and time as determined by the Board of Directors.

Sect. 2 - Notice of meetings shall be given to the members not less than one month prior to said meeting.

Sect. 3 - The Board of Directors shall meet as frequently as necessary to carry on the business and affairs of the club as determined by the President.

ART. VII - Dues

Sect. 1 - The annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors and shall be for a period from January 1 to December 31.

Sect.2 - It shall be the member's responsibility to see that their dues are paid prior to January 1, and if such is not the case, the member shall be deemed delinquent and no longer a member of the club. Attempted presentation of dues after the deadline shall be deemed a renewal of application for membership. Should the club be at the maximum number of members (250) said applicant shall be placed on the wait list.

ART. VIII - Amendments

Sect. 1 - This Constitution may be changed or amended by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting provided a one month notice has been given to all members that such a meeting is to take place by posting such notice on the club bulletin board.

Sect. 2 - All proposed changes in the Constitution and membership application forms shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Dept. of the County of Los Angeles for review and approval prior to the effectiveness thereof.

ART. IX - Procedure

Robert's rules of Order shall govern all procedure at all meetings, except as otherwise herein provided.

ART. X - Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of this club all of the assets of the club shall be distributed to the members in good standing.